Planning Processes

Posted on October 18th, 2021

Part of Notes on Project Management

Starting an IT project needs a good understanding of the requirements. As specification documents are produced, they wil become increasingly specific. For projects with specifications which lack detail:

Breaking Down Requirements

Reductionism is the practice of analysing and describing a complex phenomenon in terms of its simple or fundamental constituents, especially when this is said to provide a sufficient explanation.

In project management terms, it's the process of decomposing a project into smaller activities. But when do we stop?

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical outline of the tasks required to complete a project.

Work Breakdown Structure diagram

Similarly, a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) hierarchical structure of things that the project will make or outcomes that it will deliver.

Product Breakdown Structure diagram

By tackling the end products over the project's activities, a PBS can be much simpler from a project management perspective:

A Product Flow Diagrams (PFD) provides the inputs for the planning process, such as a set of activities which we will need to resource or an understanding of dependencies between activities.

Product Flow Diagram

Product Descriptions & Work Packages

Product descriptions are the bottom level of PBS; they clearly specify the quality and completion criteria for the product by addressing four areas:

By adding an assignee, due date, and estimated effort, a product description can be moved into creation; this is a work package.

Tracking Progress

Using a Linear Responsibility Chart, individuals can be associated to an activity in a capacity:

Team Leader
Interview notesIARIC
Requirements catalogueIARIC
Use-case diagramIARIIC
Package reviewIARIIII
Report textIARII
Report illustrationsIARII
Report appendicesIARII
Linear Responsibility Chart