
Posted on September 10th, 2022

Part of (Re)Learning CS

Talks aboutComputer Science

With data structures like a (sorted) array or a balanced binary search tree, we can find random values in logarithmic time. With hashing, we make it constant.

This is the basic idea: for a given key, we use a function to produce a unique value based on the key; we transform this value into an index where we can store some data.

Naturally, we need a backing structure to use the indexes — an array, cos it's hella quick.


How is hashing used to store data?

Hash Table

A set, storing the key itself at the index.

Hash Map

A map, storing a key-value pair for association.

Bloom Filter

An alternate take on a hash map, useful only to check if a value exists in the structure.

It stores boolean values only; for a given value VV, we use KK hash functions to calculate its indexes and set them to true.

The structure is probabilistic; false negatives aren't possible but false positives are, so the precision of a hash map is sacrificed for memory efficiency. For example, for an array of length mm, let:

H1(K)=ascii(K)modmH2(K)=ascii(K)+4modmH3(K)=4×ascii(K)modmH_1(K)=ascii(K)\mod{m} \\ H_2(K)=ascii(K)+4\mod{m} \\ H_3(K)=4\times{}ascii(K)\mod{m}

Inserting B returns indexes 1, 3, and 4; inserting L also returns 1, 3, and 4.

Count-Min Sketches

Extending on bloom filters, count-min sketchesstore the frequency of values in an m×km\times{}k 2D array.

They're still probabilistic meaning the frequencies provide an upper limit. Using the example above, inserting B and L would produce values of 2 at each index so the upper limit of B or L is 2.

Keys with fewer collisions are more accurate but we can't know which those are 🤔

Hash Functions

A hash function h(k)h(k) is any function which transforms data of an arbitrary size into a fixed size. They're used to compute the index of a key in hashing structures.

All hash function obey the equality property: given two keys of equal value, their hashes must also be equal.

A perfect hash function also obeys the inequality property: given two keys of inequal value, their hashes must be unequal. In the real world, this is difficult to achieve so a 'good' hash function minimises collisions.

Note: As well as hash tables/maps, there are many more uses of hashing including cryptography, version control diffs, password storage etc. Common implementations include MD5, SHA-1, and CRC.

Make It Gud

Starting with a hash function for only characters, we can return the ASCII numerical value and ensure its unique.

Making things harder, lets accept string; applying the same principle, we can sum the ASCII values to produce an index. This has a glaring issue in thathelloandollehreturn the same value.

This means good hash functions must have a time complexity of KK, where KK is the length of the input, and must also perform non-commutative arithmetic.

Producing An Index

To store a object oo in an array of length mm:

  1. Create the hash value hv=h(o)hv=h(o)
  2. Transform the hash value into a valid index i=hvmodmi=hv\mod{m}

Collision Resolution

We can control two aspects of hash tables to minimise collisions: the size of the backing array and the hash function itself.

There are four categories of collision resolution mechanisms:

AddressingIndexes are directly determined by the hash functionIndexes are determined algorithmically to account for colliding keys
HashingAt at key's index, the key is storedAt a key's index, a separate structure is stored

Linear Probe

(Open addressing, closed hashing)

Simply put, when an index collides, we try the next one and keep going until we find an empty index 🤷‍♂️. If no index is available, we extend the backing array and rehash all the values which minimises previous collisions.

def insert(arr, k):
  i = hash(k)

  while True:
    # available
    if not arr[i]:
      arr[i] = K
      return True

    # duplicate
    elif arr[i] == k:
      return False

      # new index
      i = (i + 1) % len(arr)

    # full circle
    if i == hash(k):
      # enlarge the array
      # rehash

      # reset the hash
      i = hash(k)
Insertion via Linear Probing

Double Hashing

(Open addressing, closed hashing)

An issue with linear probing is clumping: groups of adjacent indexes. They're statistically likely but I never liked stats.

You can use double hashing to eliminate clumping which determines the offset using another hash function. A common choice is 1+KMmod(M1)1+\frac{K}{M}\mod{(M-1)}.

Random Hashing

(Open addressing, closed hashing)

Another solution to clumping is random hashing in which the offset is produced by a random number generator seeded with the key which ensures the values comply with the equality property.

Because good random number generators are computationally expensive, it's better to just go with double hashing.

Supporting Deletion

For all the methods above, we need a mechanism to allow for deletion.

A naive approach is to follow the same logic until an empty cell is reached; this means the value isn't in the hash table and we can move on. However, if another key has been deleted in the same index, the logic fails as it may stop too early.

This is resolved using a deleted flag to indicate the cell is available for insertion but it previously held a value.

Separate Chaining

(Closed addressing, open hashing)

Where previous methods store the key at their index, separate chaininguses a separate data structure (such as a linked list) to store all keys with the same hash.

Implicitly, clumps are now irrelevant as the structure itself is a clump and we can now store multiple values at a given index — which is cool.

Cuckoo Hashing 🐦

(Open addressing, closed hashing (?))

For those not biologically-inclined (like me), the name comes from the habits of cuckoos.

When a key K1K_1 has been inserted and another key K2K_2 collides, the new key is inserted and the previous key is rehashed to a new location.

Cuckoo hashing uses multiple hash tables T1,T2T_1, T_2 with different hash functions to reduce the probability of collisions. The algorithm for cuckoo hashing is limited to a maximum number of attempts (usually 10) to ensure we don't try forever. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. A key collides in T1T_1
  2. It moves to T2T_2
  3. If it collides again in T2T_2, the existing key is rehashed for T1T_1
  4. If this key collides, the existing key if rehashed for T2T_2 and so on and so on...

See this visualisation if that isn't so clear.

Cuckoo hashing is O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) for find & delete operations — if the key isn't at H1(K)H_1(K) or H2(K)H_2(K) then it isn't in the table.