Abstract Data Types

Posted on August 3rd, 2022

Part of (Re)Learning CS

Talks aboutComputer Science

Producing software with a real-world purpose means translating a high-level problem into something computational. When considering its data, we don't immediately jump to CREATE TABLE; we start by considering what data is needed, how it relates, and how we can represent it.

For example, we can represent a Person with a Map, with keys to identify something about them and corresponding values. More technically, we can model a List data type with the functions insert, find, reduce without specifying it as an array or linked list.

An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a model for a data type defined by its behaviour from the perspective of a consumer, not its implementation.

Basically, it's what it does, not how it does it.

Double-Ended Queue

Think of browser history (😬). Values are added and removed from the front as navigation moves forwards and backwards; to limit its size, the oldest values are removed from the back.

The double-ended queue ADT (or dequeue, or deque, pronounced 'deck') is generally defined with:

Both a circular array and a linked list can implement a deque. Neither is perfect, as they are both O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) when inserting and indexing/searching respectively.

The following structures can also use a deque as a backing structure.


Think of a queue. Values are only added to the back and are only removed from the front, making it first in, first out (FIFO).

A queue is a generally defined with:

FunctionUsing Deque


Think a pile of plates ready for the washing up. Values are added and removed to the front, making it last in, first out (LIFO).

A stackis generally defined with:

FunctionUsing Deque

Priority Queue

Think of the queue in A&E. It's still FIFO but the elements are reordered by their priority, making it highest priority in, first out (HPIFO).

A priority queue is generally defined with:

Implementing a priority queue with a list structure realises an issue: a sorted linked list would result in O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) to peek and remove, but O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) to insert into a sorted position. An unsorted linked list swaps the time complexities and array implementations suffer the same pain.

Instead we can use a heap, giving us O(1)\mathcal{O}(1)to peek andO(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n)to insert/remove.


There's lots of associated data: a students name and their grade, a customer's account number and their balance, etc.

A map uses a key to identify data and a value to store the data. They are generally defined with

When inserting a duplicate key, the value is generally overwritten but C++ deviates from this with its unordered_map().

We can implement maps with many data structures but random lookup is often prioritised by using hash maps. That said, a binary search tree could keep the keys ordered while sacrificed that sweet sweet constant lookup time complexity of a hash map.